How to open a password-protected memory card without formatting

Unknown | 12:00 AM | 0 Comments

Did you forget your password for the memory card Nokia Symbian? Here is how to unlock password protected memory card without formatting. Peep more.
Recently, memory cards have become a very important source of information for the storage and transfer. Storage became the first MBS 1-2 and then 16-32 GBS GBS. Most of the mobile phones and tablet devices support up to 32 GB of external storage in the form of SD or Micro SD memory card.

In general, the memory cards are used to store files, such as music, videos, pictures, games and other stuffs. By default, the memory card is not protected by a password, because such people do not keep a lot of confidential information about that. But there are cases where some users have some confidential content that they do not want to share with others, in the condition that the users put their password on the memory card, so that each user browsing into the memory card, you must enter the password. This helps because then set a password, the contents will remain confidential.

There are opportunities at times when people forget their password. It is really difficult for them in that condition, because the data stored in a password-protected memory card is often very important. In this post, I will share the way, using which you can unlock password-protected memory card if you use the Nokia Symbian operating system.

How to open a password-protected Memory Card

Download FExplorer on your mobile phone. Install this application by using the simple instructions.

Open the application and then go to the C drive, the phone. If you do not know where is the
phone's C drive, you do not have to worry about. This application shows the drives and you can
simply pick one.

Go to the Systems folder.

Find the file named mmcstore and copy this file to your PC data cable or Bluetooth.

When you put this file on your computer hard drive, open the file in Notepad.

As soon as the file is not open, you see the phrase Notepad window displays the memory card password.


By Unknown
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