How to change the language bar settings in Windows 7 & 8?

Unknown | 12:00 PM | 0 Comments

Getting problems with entering text in the bar because it's default settings?Then here's how you can change the settings for the Language bar in Windows 7 or 8

The Language bar is a great utility integrated into the Microsoft operating systems.

The Language bar provides users with the ability to enter text in many languages.Also you can change the keyboard layout for the language bar to practice. But if you use only one language, so it is useless. So, this article will let you know about assembly language bar, and other settings, you can set it higher availability.

The steps Are:

1) Go to the Start menu and type "intl.cpl" in the search bar and press Enter.

2) For the next window, the default "General" tab.

3) Go to the "Keyboards and Languages​​" tab and click "Change keyboards" button.

4) Here you will get the following window default "General" tab.

5) Change the "Language Bar" tab, and here you can change the settings for what you want.

6) After changing the settings, click "Apply" and then "OK" button to save the changes before exiting.

In the end you have to change the language bar settings in Windows 7

Have a good day ....

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By Unknown
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