How to connect to VPN in Windows 7 & 8 ?

Unknown | 2:00 AM | 0 Comments

Know setting up a virtual private network on your computer? Then here's how you can connect a VPN for Windows 7 & 8

Virtual Private Network is generally abbrivated because the VPN, and it is solely responsible for giving you an anonymous internet browsing.Virtual Private Network is a technology to use the Internet or other intermediate network connects computers isolated to the remote computer networks that would otherwise be inaccessible. VPN provides security, so that the traffic is sent through the VPN connection will remain separate from the other computers on the intermediate network. VPN can be connected to individual users from the remote network or multiple networks together.Though we have many freeware VPN on the market and all of them can serve the purpose if we are just using them surfing sites that are blocked country.But especially those you need to download and install the client operating system System.But this article is about to set up a VPN in Windows 7, and 8 using other clients.Just the instructions and you have done the process.

The steps Are:

1) Go to the Start menu and open the Control Panel.

2) Then connect it to the class view / Category.

3) Select the "Network and Sharing Center" and then "Set up a new connection or network" under the "Change Network Settings" area.

4) Click on "Connect to a job / Connect to a workplace" option and click "Next" button.

5) Get "How do you want to connect" window, where you can select one of the following options.Choose "Use Internet connection (VPN)", which is the first.

6) Now you can get the main window where you will have to enter the VPN settings, and most users are stuck at this point, because they do not get sites offering VPN servers.Don worry I am listing sites before heading to the next step.

List of areas:

i) SuperfreeVPN

ii) Best UK VPN Service.

7) Well, you have a website you now and you will get the settings there.I am to show through SuperVPN.First go SuperfreeVPN site.

8) Enter "" Internet address and the "Any name you want in Destination Name / Name of the desired object Name" and click "Next".

9) In the "User name: free" and "Password: that you are offered when you visit the site as I was given the 5121" then "Connect".

10) When you click the "Connect" it looks like "Creating a connection" so wait a few seconds until it completes.

11) Atlast you get the message "You are connected".

Now it all done and you're done setting up VPN for Windows 7 & 8

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By Unknown
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