Well-researched blog post about the effects after changing your domain name. Read inside to know how to change the blog domain without losing traffic.
Since a good blogger ever makes you tension free in any sense, there are things that need to hit you every now and then. Sometimes it seems that you do not get a lot of visitors, or enough to feel that you are not earning an income should you. There are many other things to blogger faces. There are a few cases when the state gets the worse it will not even begin to think about change your domain name to your blog. Changing the domain name means changing one's identity and brand to your blog.
As we have heard many times, every thing has two sides. One is positive and the other is negative. before them the advantages and disadvantages of changing the domain, I'm going to highlight some of the conditions when you should be thinking about to change the domain name.
Situations when you should change the blog domain
* If the domain is banned by Google Adsense, and you think that you have enough quality content to get approved for Google AdSense program. In this case, you can only try to change the domain because Google can not accept your request on the second try, if you have quality content. It has been seen many times, that after the disapproving Adsense application domain, Google will never be considered again for approval.
* If you have a question or a domain name you think violate some of the trademarks of the use of certain words in your domain name. In this case, there may be some legal action against you, and you may lose your blog entirely, so in this case, it is better if you change your domain name secure key word such behavior.
* If a blog with the same domain name but with different extensions. For example, if the URL of your blog is example.info and is the second blog URL example.com. Then be sure that other blog URL has more power than your blog and f both of you writing in the same niche, so it is quite difficult for you to rank better for the same keywords. In that case, you may want to change your domain name below the competition you have.
These three were the most basic of why the blogger thinks of changing his domain. Changing the domain name can be one of the tasks of a hectic blogger if you do not have the correct information about this. There are times when you may end up losing almost all traffic (even set up a 301 redirect). 301 redirect will redirect your visitors to a particular page, your old URL to the new URL of a familiar domain. Like, if you are a visitor coming old-domain.com/post1, so that the visitor is controlled new-domain/post1. But this redirect is well recognized as soon as Google and other search engines and they often put you down the SERPs after you change the domain and setup a 301 redirect. It has been a case in which many of the major sites. So, to make you aware of all these points, I will tell
What does Google think of a particular site after domain change
* If you have a big site, so there are opportunities for people to be writing articles and some of the articles to be copied as it is. In this case, as a new domain does not have a lot of power, and the search engines will not recognize the new domain. Google can not just look at you copy-cat like a thousand other web domain.
* If all of the web pages that the previous domain indexed by search engines are not removed and the pages get indexed in the new domain, then there is an overlap question about two domains with the same content. In many cases like this, just ignore the search engines, as well as pages, and thus you will lose traffic.
Having a domain name less authority and the 301 redirect will make all links redirecting to the new domain. It makes the search engines like Google feel that there is a new blogger, you are trying to rank better in the search engines by building a huge amount of links, and that leads to your blog to get sand-boxed.
* Domain change is not one of the easiest process, if you are a blogger. There are a few times when you are really cost a lot, if you change your domain name. there are times when people lost almost all of their organic traffic after they moved to your blog. In the same proceedings, I have been surfing the internet and reading some of the great blog for a long time and finally when I thought my readers enough information to share, I'm here to share all the tips you using which you can change the blog domain without losing traffic.
How to change domain name without losing traffic to your blog
I can not share step by step guide, you can change the blog domain, because it might just be a simple operation. You just need to buy a new domain and add it to the folder where you are hosting a website. But there are many of the things that you need to keep in mind in order to get a good traffic even if you change your domain name.
* Before you change the domain name, the file DMCA reports to all the sites that you have copied the contents. You can get to know the copy cats copying part of the contents of the search engines like Google, and then you get all the content will be removed, so that you only have the old domain search results of original content.
* Set up a 301 redirect, so traffic coming from the old URL to the new URL.
* Add a new site to Google Webmaster tools and wait for the rankings to get updated.
* Founded domain address change request to Google Webmaster tools, so that it knows that you have changed your domain name. It helps in the search engine rankings to move from the old address to the new address.
* Bing is also a great source of traffic, so update the same domain change Bing webmasters tools.
* Increase the crawl rate in Google Webmaster tool on your website. Place it on the ceiling, so that Google indexes your pages faster to ensure quick indexing of your pages.
* Update the RSS feed address and submit a new sitemap to all the places you've been presented before.
* Exclude all pages in the site map, which you think to add any value to your website so that search engines can index all of the pages faster.
* Confirm your Google+ profile page to get verified by Google.
* Add a domain Allowed Domains list of Google Adsense.
* Make the partner site owners and ask them to update the domain address.
* In blogging directories, send e-mail to their support staff to get removed from the old link and include a link to it.
This was my research and I'm happy to share it with all of you. I hope that it would be useful to all of you. Do not let me know the answer in the comments section and do not like to visit more great posts
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